Journal Publication [Research Gate] [Internal]
- Y. Y. Yang, C. M. Chang and S. C. Kang (reviewing). Steel Beam Connector Design for Autonomous Assembly by Hoisting. Automation in Construction.
- 李正豪、康仕仲、張家瑞、陳奕竹、蔡孟涵 (2018),『PI-bot:自主式鋪面破損即時檢測機器人,中國土木水利工程學刊。(2018.04.24接受)
- C. H. Yang, M. H. Tsai, C. Y. Hung and S. C. Kang (2018). UAV Path Planning Method for Digital Terrain Model Reconstruction – a Debris Fan Example. Automation in Construction. 93(2018), 214-230. [ScienceDirect]
- W. Y. Lin, T. H. Wu, M. H. Tsai, W. C. Hsu, Y. T. Chou, M. H. Lee and S. C. Kang (2018). Filtering disaster responses using crowdsourcing. Automation in Construction. 91(2018), 182-192. [ScienceDirect]
- M. C. Wen, C. H. Yang, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2018). Teleyes: a Telepresence System based on Stereoscopic Vision and Head Motion Tracking. Automation in Construction. 89(2018), 199-213. [ScienceDirect]
- C. W. Liu, T. H. Wu, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2018). Image-based Semantic Construction Reconstruction. Automation in Construction. 90(2018), 67-78. [ScienceDirect]
- 蔡孟涵、陳奕竹、康仕仲(2017)。運用雲端技術傳遞質性防災資料。中國土木水利工程學刊。29(4),227-233。
- T. H. Wu, F. Wu, C. J. Liang, Y. F. Li, C. M. Tseng and S. C. Kang (2017). A Virtual Reality Tool for Training Global Engineering Collaboration. Universal Access in the Information Society. (2017) 1-13 [Springer]
- C. J. Liang, S. C. Kang and M. H. Lee (2017). RAS: A Robotic Assembly System for Steel Structure Erection and Assembly. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 1(4), 459-476. [Springer]
- 徐偉哲、周侑德、蔡孟涵、李孟學、李奕芬、康仕仲(2017)。導入民眾外包整合低品質災害通報資料。中國土木水利工程學刊。29(1),17-25。
- Y. Y. Yang and S. C. Kang (2017). Crowd-Based Velocimetry for Surface Flows. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 32(2017), 275--286[ScienceDirect]
- W. Y. Chang, F. Lin, W. F. Tsai, J. S. Lai, C. H. Loh, and S.C. Kang (2016). Portable Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement Using a Laser-Based Technique. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142(9)[ASCE]
- W. H. Hung, C. W. Liu, C. J. Liang and S. C. Kang (2016). Strategies to Accelerate the Computation of Erection Paths for Construction Cranes. Automation in Construction. 62, 1-13. [Science Direct]
- 楊政玹、溫明璋、吳宗翰、蔡孟涵、康仕仲(2015)。沖積扇數值地形模型資料蒐集-無人飛行載具 之系統設計與實作。中國土木水利工程學刊。27(3),263-270。
- 賴進松、韓仁毓、張文鎰、劉寅春、康仕仲、謝其泰、譚義績、黃振家、李豐佐、林彥廷、林聖峯、張睿宇、溫明璋(2015)。 UAV 影像技術應用於河道洪水位及流場之模擬分析。中國土木水利工程學刊。27(3),231-240。
- 康仕仲、韓仁毓(2015)。無人飛行載具於防災應用技術(特刊引言)。中國土木水利工程學刊。27(3),173-174。
- M. H. Tsai, M. C. Wen, Y. L. Chang and S. C. Kang (2015). Game-Based Education for Disaster Prevention. AI & Society, 30(4), 463-475. [Springer]
- Y. C. Chen, H. L. Chi, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2015). Attention-Based User Interface Design for a Tele-Operated Crane. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 04015030. [ASCE]
- 張玉連、蔡孟涵、康仕仲(2015)。導入「誘發式翻轉教室」成效分析-以水資源及防災教育遊戲學習為例。災害防救科技與管理學刊。4(2),19-58。[Airiti]
- M. H. Tsai, Y. L. Chang, C. Kao and S. C. Kang (2015). The Effectiveness of a Flood Protection Computer Game for Disaster Education. Visualization in Engineering, 3(9), doi:10.1186/s40327-015-0021-7. [VIE]
- K. Y. Lin, M. H. Tsai, U. C. Gatti, J. Lin, C. H. Lee and S. C. Kang (2014). A User-Centered Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tool to Improve Safety Inspections. Automation in Construction, 48, 53-63. [Science Direct]
- Y. C. Chen, C. E. Yang and S. C. Kang (2014). A Lightweight Bridge Inspection System Using a Dual-cable Suspension Mechanism. Automation in Construction, 46, 52-63. [Science Direct]
- C. H. Lee, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2014). A Visual Tool for Accessibility Study of Pipeline Maintenance during Design. Visualization in Engineering, 2(6), doi:10.1186/s40327-014-0006-y. [VIE]
- 蔡孟涵、莊智仁、康仕仲、賴進松、譚義績(2014)。天然災害緊急應變演練腳本產生器。災害防救科技與管理學刊。3(2), 25-40。[Airiti]
- T. H. Lin, C. H. Liu, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2014). Using Augmented Reality in a Multi-Screen Environment for Construction Discussion. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000420. [ASCE]
- J. C. Lin, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2014). Motion Planning and Coordination for Mobile Construction Machinery. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000408. [ASCE]
- P. Liu, A. Y. Chen, Y. N. Huang, J. Y. Han, J. S. Lai, S. C. Kang, T. H. Wu, M. C. Wen and M. H. Tsai (2014). A Review of Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Developments and Applications in Civil Engineering. Smart Structures and Systems, 13(6), 1065-1094.
- T. Y. Kuo and S. C. Kang (2014). Control of Fast Crane Operation. Automation in Construction, 42, 25-35. [Science Direct]
- W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2014). Automatic Clustering Method for Real-time Construction Simulation. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 28(2), 138-152. [Science Direct]
- C. H. Chiu, P. L. Liu and S. C. Kang (2014). Teaching Methods and Outcomes of Multidisciplinary T workshops. Special Issue on Smart Cities, Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 3(4), 174-181. [ISJ]
- 宋爾軒、蔡孟涵、康仕仲、賴進松、譚義績(2014)。防災資訊儀表板開發研究。災害防救科技與管理學刊。3(1),69-94。[Airiti]
- M. H. Tsai, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2014). Lessons Learnt from Customization of a BIM Tool for a Design-Build Company. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(2), 189-199. [Taylor]
- M. H. Tsai, A. M. Md, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2014). Workflow Re-engineering of Design-build Projects using a BIM Tool. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(1), 88-102. [Taylor]
- J. C. Lin, C. E. Yang, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2013). Accessibility Evaluation System for Site Layout Planning - A Tractor Trailer Example. Visualization in Engineering, 1(12), doi:10.1186/2213-7459-1-12. [VIE]
- S. C. Kang, Y. C. Chan, C. Y. Lu, J. S Lai and T. H. Lee (2013). Development of Virtual Equipment: Case Study of the Venturi Tube Experiment. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 139(4), 281-289. [ResearchGate]
- J. R. Juang, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2013). SimCrane 3D+: A Crane Simulator with Kinesthetic and Stereoscopic Vision. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 27(4), 506-518. [Scopus]
- Y. S. Su, S. C. Kang, J. R. Chang and S. H. Hsieh (2013). Dual-Light Inspection Method for Automatic Pavement Surveys. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 27(5), 534-543. [Scopus]
- 蔡孟涵、黃詩閔、康仕仲、賴進松(2013)。防災決策支援系統。災害防救科技與管理學刊,2(2),21-33。[Airiti]
- S. C. Kang and X. Wang (2013).Special Issue on the Applications of Augmented Reality in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. Automation in Construction, 33, 1–2. [Science Direct]
- W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2013). Configurable Model for Real-time Crane Erection Visualization. Advances in Engineering Software, 65, 1-11. [Scopus]
- H. H. Wang, S. C. Kang and T. K. Lee (2013) .Cultivating Imagination in Entry-level Civil Engineering Students: Exploring the Effects of an Innovative Instructional Model. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(5), 1248-1259. [Scopus]
- M. J. Kim, X. Wang, P. E. D. Love, H. Li and S. C. Kang (2013). Virtual Reality for the Built Environment: A Critical Review of Recent Advances. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 18, 279-305. [Scopus]
- X. Wang, M. Kim, P. Love and S. C. Kang (2013). Augmented Reality in Built Environment: Classification and Implications for Future Research. Automation in Construction, 32, 1-13. [Science Direct]
- Y. H. Chen, M. H. Tsai, S. C. Kang and C. W. Liu (2013). Selection and Evaluation of Color Scheme for 4D Construction Models. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 18, 1-19. [ITcon]
- H. L. Chi, S. C. Kang and X. Wang (2013). Research Trends and Opportunities of Augmented Reality Applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. Special Issue on Applications of Augmented Reality in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Automation in Construction, 33, 116-122. [Scopus]
- Z. T. Yeh, S. C. Kang, R. P. Y. Chiang and C. H. Chiang (2012). Development of the Insomnia Screening Scale Based on ICSD-II. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 16(4), 259-267. [Scopus]
- Y. C. Lai, H. L. Chi, W. C. Cheng and S. C. Kang (2012). Using Robot Kits for Teaching Railway Engineers. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 17, 416-433. [Scopus]
- H. L. Chi, Y. C. Chen, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2012). Development of User Interface for Tele-Operated Cranes. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(3), 641-652. [Scopus]
- K. C. Yeh, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2012). On-site Building Information Retrieval By Using Projection-Based Augmented Reality. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(3), 342-355. [Scopus]
- Y. C. Chang, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2012). A Fast Path Planning Method for Single and Dual Crane Erections. Automation in Construction, 22, 468-480. [Scopus]
- S. C. Kang (2012). Initiation of the Suan-Lien Living Lab – a Living Lab with an Elderly Welfare Focus. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 2(3), 189-199. [auSMT]
- I. L. Chen and S. C. Kang (2012). Using a Multi-touch Panel to Control Lights in Indoor Public Spaces - Prototype Designs and User Studies. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 2(2), 111-120. [auSMT]
- Y. H. Tseng, S. C. Kang, J. R. Chang and C. H. Lee (2011). Strategies for Autonomous Robots to Inspect Pavement Distresses. Automation in Construction, 20(8), 1156-1172. [Scopus]
- Y. C. Chen, H. L. Chi, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2011). The Use of Tangible and Augmented Reality Models in Engineering Graphics Courses. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 137(4), 267-276. [Scopus]
- J. R. Chang, F. C. Yu, T. C. Huang, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2011). The Use of a VRS-Based Pioneer 3-AT Robot in Pavement Inspection. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 39(5), 142-149. [ASCE]
- H. L. Kuo, S. C. Kang, C. C. Lu, S. H. Hsieh and Y. H. Lin (2011). Using Virtual Instruments to Teach Surveying Courses: Application and Assessment. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 19(3), 411-420. [Scopus]
- 張家瑞、游豐吉、黃遵成、康仕仲、謝尚賢(2011)。以自主式機器人自動監測鋪面破損及繪製剛性版塊。鋪面工程, 9(3), 19-26。
- R. S. Shiu, S. C. Kang, J. Y. Han and S. H. Hsieh (2011). Modeling Systematic Errors for the Angle Measurement in a Virtual Surveying Instrument. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 137(3), 81-90. [Scopus]
- J. S. Lai, W. Y. Chang, Y. C. Chan, S. C. Kang and Y. C. Tan (2011). Development of a 3D Virtual Environment for Improving Public Participation: Case Study - the Yuansantze Flood Diversion Works Project. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 25(2), 208-223. [Scopus]
- C. H. Kuo, M. H. Tsai and S. C. Kang (2011). A Framework of Information Visualization for Multi-System Construction. Automation in Construction, 20(3), 247-262. [Scopus]
- J. R. Juang, W. H. Hung and S. C. Kang (2011). Using Game Engine for Physics-Based Simulation - a Forklift. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 16, 3-22. [Scopus]
- C. H. Tseng and S. C. Kang (2011). Employing Robots in Play-Based Learning for Engineering Education of Exceptional Students. International Journal of Engineering Education. [Scopus]
- M. H. Tsai, S. C. Kang and S. H. Hsieh (2010). A Three-Stage Framework for Introducing a 4D Tool in Large Consulting Firms. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 24(4), 476-489. [Scopus]
- H. L. Chi and S. C. Kang (2010). A Physics-based Simulation Approach for Cooperative Erection Activities. Automation in Construction, 19(6), 750-761. [Scopus]
- 蔡孟涵、康仕仲、謝尚賢、廖源輔(2010)。導入BIM之系統方法-SUM簡介。中國土木水利工程學會會刊, 37(5), 38-42。[PDF]
- 盧巧昀、高凱玲、康仕仲、李天浩、賴進松(2010)虛擬實驗儀器系統化製作步驟-以虛擬水利實驗為例。Journal of Information Technology and Applications. 4(2), 59-65。
- 曾吉弘、蘇珊筠、蔡宛庭、康仕仲(2010)。特殊生融合玩中學機器人科普課程。Journal of Information Technology and Applications. 4(2), 94-99。
- C. C. Lu, S. C. Kang, S. H. Hsieh and R. S. Shiu (2009). Improvement of a Computer-Based Surveyor-training Tool Using a User-centered Approach. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(1), 81-92. [Scopus]
- K. C. Lai and S. C. Kang (2009). Collision Detection Strategies for Virtual Construction Simulation. Automation in Construction, 18(6), 724-736. [Scopus]
- S. C. Kang and E. Miranda (2009). Numerical Methods to Simulate and Visualize Detailed Crane Activities. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24(3), 169-185. [Scopus]
- S. C. Kang, H. L. Chi and E. Miranda (2009). Three-Dimensional Simulation and Visualization of Crane Assisted Construction Erection Processes. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 23(6), 363-371. [Scopus]
- H. S. Chang, S. C. Kang and P. H. Chen (2009). Systematic Procedure of Determining an Ideal Color Scheme on 4D Models. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(4), 463-473. [Scopus]
- 張家瑞、康仕仲、謝尚賢、陳茂南(2008)。智慧型機器人於營建產業之應用分析。營建管理季刊,76,15-30。
- S. C. Kang and E. Miranda (2008). Computational Methods for Coordinating Multiple Construction Cranes. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 22(4), 252-263. [Scopus]
- Y. C. Chan, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Kang and T. H. Lee (2008). Development of Virtual Equipment for a Hydraulic Mechanics Experiment. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13(1), 261-265. [Scopus]
- S. C. Kang and E. Miranda (2006). Planning and Visualization for Automated Robotic Crane Erection Processes in Construction. Automation in Construction, 15(4), 398-414. [Science Direct]